Last modified: Jan 16, 2025

Send email notifications

Endpoint for sending an email notification to one or more recipient.


POST /orders/email


This API requires authentication, and the request must include one of the following:

  • Maskinporten scope altinn:serviceowner/notifications.create (for external system callers)
  • Platform Access Token (for Altinn Apps and internal Altinn systems)

See Authentication and Authorization for more information.




Request body

The request body must contain the order request formatted as an EmailNotificationOrderRequestExt and serialized as JSON.

Required order request properties


Type: string

The body of the email in either plain text or HTML format. You can use the following predefined, case-sensitive keywords for dynamic personalization of the email body:

  • $recipientName$: Replaced with the full name of the recipient (supports both individuals and organizations).
  • $recipientNumber$: Replaced with the organization number for recipients that are organizations. For individuals, this will remain empty.


Type: string

The subject of the email. It can also include the same predefined, case-sensitive keywords for dynamic personalization as the body:

  • $recipientName$: Replaced with the full name of the recipient (supports both individuals and organizations).
  • $recipientNumber$: Replaced with the organization number for recipients that are organizations. For individuals, this will remain empty.


Type: List of RecipientExt

A list containing one or more recipient objects, each recipient containing either a national identity number, an organization number, or an email address.

Optional order request properties


Type: enum EmailContentTypeExt

Default: Plain

The content type of the email can be either Plain or Html.


Type: DateTime

Default: Current date and time

The date and time (with time zone specification) at which the notification should be sent to recipient.


Type: string

An internal reference for notification creator to track the notification in the future. Could be a case number or another identifier. It is recommended, but not required, that the sender’s reference is unique within the organization’s notification orders.


Type: string

The ID of the Altinn resource the notifications should be related to as the ID appears in the Altinn Resource Registry. For an Altinn app with ID {org}/{app} the format of the resourceId is app_{org}_{app} e.g. app_ttd_apps-test.


Type: boolean

A boolean indicating whether the notification content satisfies the requirements for overriding KRR reservations when sending notifications to an individual.


Type: Url

The URL to use when checking whether the condition to send the notification is met.


Response codes

  • 202 Accepted: The request was accepted and a notification order has been successfully generated.
  • 400 Bad Request: The request was invalid. Refer to the problem details in the response body for further information.
  • 401 Unauthorized: Indicates a missing, invalid or expired authorization header.
  • 403 Forbidden: Indicates missing or invalid scope or Platform Access Token.


  • application/json

Response body

The response body is formatted as an NotificationOrderRequestResponseExt.cs and serialized as JSON.

Find a short description of each property below.


Type: Globally Unique Identifier (GUID)

The generated ID for the notification order.


Type: RecipientLookupResultExt

The result object describing the result of the recipient lookup containing the properties below.

  • status: the result of the initial lookup.
  • isReserved: a list containing national identity numbers for recipients that are reserved.
  • missingContact: a list containing national identity numbers and organization numbers for recipients where contact details for selected notification channel were not identified.
SuccessThe recipient lookup was successful for all recipients.
PartialSuccessThe recipient lookup was successful for some recipients.
FailedThe recipient lookup failed for all recipients.

* Property is only included if order request requires recipient lookup.

Response headers


Type: URL

The self link for the generated notification order


In the example below we have included placeholders for both the Platform Access and Altinn Token. You only need one of them, see the Authentication section for which one applies to your use case.


This example demonstrates sending a simple email to three recipients identified by their email address, national identity number, and organization number.

curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer [INSERT ALTINN TOKEN]' \
--header 'PlatformAccessToken: [INSERT PLATFORM ACCESS TOKEN]' \
--data-raw '{
    "sendersReference": "ref-2023-12-01",
	"subject": "A test email from Altinn Notifications",
	"body": "A message to be sent immediately from an org.",
	"contentType": "Plain",

Request using keywords

This example demonstrates sending a customized email to a recipient identified using their organization number.

curl --location '' \
--header 'Content-Type: application/json' \
--header 'Authorization: Bearer [INSERT ALTINN TOKEN]' \
--header 'PlatformAccessToken: [INSERT PLATFORM ACCESS TOKEN]' \
--data-raw '{
    "sendersReference": "ref-2023-12-02",
    "subject": "Important notification regarding your organization, $recipientName$",
    "body": "Dear $recipientName$, this is an official notification regarding your organization, identified by the organization number $recipientNumber$. Please take the necessary actions.",
    "contentType": "Plain",


202 Accepted

In cases where reservation check or address lookup of recipients is required for an order, the initial result of the lookup will be included in the response. This includes a list containing national identity numbers for all reserved persons and a list containing national identity number or organization number for the recipients we could not find contact details for.


-- header 'Location:'


  "orderId": "f1a1cc30-197f-4f34-8304-006ce4945fd1",
  "recipientLookup": {
    "status": "PartialSuccess",
    "isReserved": ["11876995923"],
    "missingContact": []

400 Bad Request

Response contains a problem details object with the error message in the detail property.

    "type": "",
    "title": "One or more validation errors occurred.",
    "status": 400,
    "traceId": "00-9ac2962c93d79629aa5c3744e4259663-344b49720aa49b0a-00",
    "errors": {
        "Subject": [
            "'Subject' must not be empty."