Last modified: Jan 22, 2024



Actions are used to define what a user can do in a task. Actions are defined in the process file (BPMN) and have authorization rules attached to them defined in the policy file (XACML) to controll who can execute them. We have two types of actions: Server actions Arbitrary code that can be executed on the server as part of the process. These actions are typically used to help the user fill out the form by prefilling data, perform calculations, call external api’s etc. »

Process actions

In version 8 of the app nugets actions in tasks were introduced. This makes it possible for developers to associate ActionButtons in the UI with UserActions in the backend. It is possible to authorize each action in a task separately in the policy file. Actions with special altinn logic connected to them write Default action that is performed when a data or feedback task is submitted. This is also the permission a user needs to update data in the application. »