Last modified: Apr 25, 2024


Policy Administration Point

In Altinn Platform there is currently no Policy Administration Point functionality, but Altinn Platform provides functionality used by the other Policy Administration Points in Altinn 3. The PRP provides API for storing policies and retrieving them. Policy Administration Point for applications The authorization policy for apps is defined in Altinn Studio when developing the app. See Policy Administration Point in Altinn Studio for details. Delegated Policies Access Management component will allow end users to delegate rights to persons, enterprise users and organizations »

Policy Information Point

Without this information it would be impossible for the PDP to evaluate the context request in many scenarios. For the Altinn Platform there are serveral Policy Information Points: Altinn II Authorization - Get information about roles a user or system has for a given party Storage PIP - Get attributes about the resource in the decision request. (what kind of app, who is the reportee of the data, what is the current process state) The number of PIP are expected to grow in the future. »

Policy Retrieval Point

During deployment of an app the rules for the app is added to the Altinn Storage. The rules are defined as a XACML 3.0 Policy document. For delegated rights Altinn II will provide the delegated policy. See Policy Adminstration Point for details about how the policies are created. See construction components how PRP is built. »

React + Redux architecture

The app frontend uses the React and Redux frameworks for presenting a UI to the end user, together with redux-saga to handle side effects. Components are based on Material UI components. The diagram below show the architecture: React architecture Store A store holds the whole state tree of your application. The only way to change the state inside it is to dispatch an action on it. Read more. Reducers Reducers specify how the application’s state changes in response to actions sent to the store. »

Resource Rights Registry

Concept Generally, digital services are available for all persons or all organizations of a given type. When a resource has enabled resource rights registry requirement, a reportee must be given a resource right. The resource rights register allows defining who can use a digital service. Access Lists The main concept of Resource Rights Registry is that possibility to define AccessList containg a list of organizations Access List Connections When you have a list you can connect it to a resource with a set of rights given to organizations in that lists. »

Fullmakter fra Enhetsregisteret som knytter virksomheter sammen

Innhold på siden er under arbeid. Innholdet vil ikke være gjeldende før nye tilgangspakker trer i kraft. Dette må derfor ikke ansees som en fasit pr nå I mange tilfeller er det mulig å registrere andre organisasjoner i en eller flere roller på virksomeheten. Altinn vil i mange tilfeller da sørge for en knytning mellom disse virksomhetene slik at person som har bestemte roller i tilknyttet organisasjon da få fullmakter på vegne av den aktuelle virksomheten. »

XACML - Altinn Studio

The standard defines a declarative fine-grained, attribute-based access control policy language, an architecture, and a processing model describing how to evaluate access requests according to the rules defined in policies. The Altinn Studio and Altinn Studio Apps solution uses the XACML standard for the following XACML Reference Architecture: Used as input for defining the Altinn Studio Apps authorization architecture XACML Policy: Used to define the authorization rules for apps XACML Request: Format used for PEP to call PDP XACML Response: Format used for response from PDP to PEP. »

Access Control (PDP)

The Policy Decision Point is implemented in the access control component that is deployed to Altinn Platform. The Policy Decision Point follow eXtensible Access Control Markup Language (XACML) Version 3.0. This mean that the rules are defined in XACML Policies files and PDP evalutes request based on the rules. The PDP evaluates the Context Request based on standard XACML 3.0 behaviour. There is no specific Altinn behaviour. Policy Decision Point exposes a method that authorize the decision request. »

App Frontend configuration files

The App Frontend requires some configuration files to work correctly. These files are loaded through APIs. Layout files The form layout files are used to render the UI for the form feature. They defines which layout elements should be rendered, in what order, and contains details about how they should be rendered (ex. text keys, data model, etc.) FormLayout.json The default layout file, at the root of the ui config folder. »

Notifications email

Integrations Kafka The Notifications email microservice has an integration towards a Kafka broker, and this integration is used both to publish and consume messages from topics relevant to the microservice. Consumers: The following Kafka consumers are defined: SendEmailQueueConsumer: Consumes email objects with recipient data that are ready to be sent EmailSendingAcceptedConsumer: Consumes pairs of notification and communications services operation ids Producers: A single producer KafkaProducer is implemented and used by all services that publish to Kafka. »