Last modified: Sep 11, 2024


Getting started with Altinn Broker Transition Solution

ServiceOwners In order to use the Broker Transition solution in Altinn 2 to create, upload and retrieve file metadata, a service owner must complete the following steps. Have an existing Altinn 2 Broker Service. Have or create a corresponding Altinn 3 Broker Resource. See how to get started with Altinn Broker here. Request a transition setup from the Altinn 2 Service to the Altinn 3 Resource. Determine the date for when this should go live. »


These pages describe the difference in usage between existing Altinn 2 Broker Service and Altinn 3 Broker Transition operations. Usage RestDifference in Rest operation usage between Altinn 2 and Altinn 3 transitioned services. Usage SOAPDifference in SOAP operation usage between Altinn 2 and Altinn 3 transitioned services. »

Usage Rest

Difference in usage between existing Altinn 2 Rest Operations and Altinn 2 Rest operations that have been transition to Altinn 3. For standard usage of Altinn 2 Rest operations, see [Altinn Docs (norwegian only)] ( For all Altinn 3 transitioned services, Receipts will be pseudo-receipts generated from the Altinn 3 file metadata. This means all receipts returned will be pseudo-receipts, and all receiptIds will be 0. If your use case requires receipt usage, please submit a feature request. »

Usage SOAP

Difference in usage between existing Altinn 2 SOAP Operations and Altinn 3 SOAP operations that have been transition to Altinn 3. SOAP operations for Altinn 2 Broker Service are spread over 3 endpoints. For most requests there will be no functional difference between Altinn 2 and Altinn 3 requests. Service Endpoint Description BrokerService Service WS Handles metadata requests. Service Basic Service EC BrokerService Streamed Streamed WS Handles file data requests. Streamed Basic Streamed EC Receipt Receipt WS Handles receipt requests. »

Common steps to get Started with Altinn Broker

This section of the documentation is a work in progress. There are sections with missing or only partial documentation. Some functionality does not represent the final production version. These are common steps that all roles (Service Owner, Senders and Recipients) need to complete in order to start using the Altinn Broker component. 1. Get an Altinn API Key In order to use any Altinn APIs, you need a subscription key for the APIs. »

Common steps to get Started with Altinn Correspondence

This section of the documentation is a work in progress. There are sections with missing or only partial documentation. Some functionality does not represent the final production version. These are common steps that all roles (Service Owner, Senders and Recipients) need to complete in order to start using the Altinn Correspondence component. 1. Get an Altinn API Key In order to use any Altinn APIs, you need a subscription key for the APIs. »

Guide for Sender

This section of the documentation is a work in progress, and as such currently makes extensive reference to external sources, as well as describing more scenarios. In this section you will find detailed descriptions of API-operations and events for use during FileTranfers, icluding operations like; initialize filetransfer, upload files, and getting filetransfer status. For more information, see our swagger-page and GitHub-repo, which also contains an Postman-collection with examples. Operation: Initialize FileTransfer Endpoint: POST /broker/api/v1/filetransfer/ »

Get Started with Altinn Broker as a Service Owner

This process will be simplified through a future update in Altinn Studio. Particularly Steps 4-6 will be performed through GUI instead of requiring direct API Calls. 1. Get started as service owner in Altinn To get started with Altinn Broker, your enterprise must be registered as a service owner in Altinn. For a step-by-step guide , see the Get started with Altinn guide (Norwegian language only). This step is only necessary for new enterprises that have not yet established themselves as service owners on the Altinn platform. »

Get Started with Altinn Correspondence as a Service Owner

This process will be simplified through a future update in Altinn Studio. Particularly Steps 4-6 will be performed through GUI instead of requiring direct API Calls. 1. Get started as service owner in Altinn To get started with Altinn Correspondence, your enterprise must be registered as a service owner in Altinn. For a step-by-step guide , see the Get started with Altinn guide (Norwegian language only). This step is only necessary for new enterprises that have not yet established themselves as service owners on the Altinn platform. »

Developer guide

Guide for SenderThis developer guide will help you get started sending files using Altinn Broker. Guide for receiversThis developer guide will help you get started receiving files using Altinn Broker. Altinn 3 Broker Developer guide for Service OwnerHow to get started with Altinn 3 Broker Service Owner API operations, for developers Altinn 3 Broker Developer guidesHow to get started subscribing to Events from Altinn 3 Broker, for developers This section of the documentation is a work in progress. »