Last modified: Sep 11, 2024


Developer guide

Altinn 3 Correspondence Developer guidesHow to get started subscribing to Events from Altinn 3 Correspondence, for developers This section of the documentation is a work in progress. There are sections with missing or only partial documentation. Since Altinn Correspondence is open source, you can access our code in our public github repo and build a local docker instance to test against. We also welcome contributions to the solution. See the readme file at github for an introduction to Altinn 3 Correspondenec, and how to build and run it in your dev environment. »

Guide for receivers

This section of the documentation is a work in progress, and as such currently makes extensive reference to external sources. Here are the detailed operations and events you will be using when Receiving files. Operation: Get FileTransfers Endpoint: GET /broker/api/v1/filetransfer/(filters) Allows you to search for file transfers according to set filters, and returns a list of FileTransferIds matching the search criteria. You can then use these Ids to get FileTransfer Overview and download. »

Altinn 3 Broker Developer guide for Service Owner

This section of the documentation is a work in progress, and as such currently makes extensive reference to external sources, as well as describing more scenarios. Operation: Initialize Service Owner in Broker API Endpoint: POST /broker/api/v1/serviceowner This operation configures your organization as a Service Owner in the Broker Config Store. Request: An instance of ServiceOwnerInitializeExt serialized as JSON. Return: HTTP 200 Events triggered: none. Example: “Register Service Owner” in our PostMan collection. »

Altinn 3 Broker Developer guides

This section of the documentation is a work in progress, and as such currently makes extensive reference to external sources. Currently the Events for Broker are not ready for full-scale use, due to pending changes in Altinn Events and Authorization. This documents the expected scenario, but may be subject to change. In order to use events/webhooks for a Broker resource, you need to setup a subscription for the given resource. »

Altinn 3 Correspondence Developer guides

This section of the documentation is a work in progress, and as such currently makes extensive reference to external sources. Currently the Events for Correspondence are not ready for full-scale use, due to pending changes in Altinn Events and Authorization. This documents the expected scenario, but may be subject to change. In order to use events/webhooks for a Correspondence resource, you need to setup a subscription for the given resource. »