Last modified: Apr 25, 2024


Application construction components - Altinn Events

System architecture illustration When a publish request is posted to the /app endpoint, the event will first be saved in the events-registration queue for operational resilience and flexibility. When an event retrieval request is received, it will respond with results from the internal relational database used for events persistence. Altinn Event Architecture Flow for processing a single incoming event Sequence diagram - POST event System and service dependencies Internal Altinn Authorization: used to authorize access to endpoints Altinn Register: used to support lookup on alternative subject External Azure Kubernetes Services: hosts the docker containers for microservices and cron jobs in a fully managed Kubernetes cluster PostgreSQL: used for storage Azure Functions: used internally to process and forward incoming cloud events to subscriber webhooks. »

Application construction components - Altinn Notifications

System architecture illustration The solution is supported by multiple cron jobs running in the same Kubernetes cluster, a Kafka server and an instance of Azure Communication services. The following diagram illustrates the overall data flow. Solution diagram Altinn Notifications Process flow between microservices and Kafka topics Vis/skjul innhold Flow chart for order processing Flow chart including Kafka topics for order processing Vis/skjul innhold Flow chart for email notification processing Flow chart including Kafka topics for email notification processing Vis/skjul innhold Flow chart for sms notification processing Flow chart including Kafka topics for sms notification processing System and service dependencies Internal Altinn Authorization: used to authorize access to endpoints Altinn Profile: used to retrieve recipient information The number of internal dependencies for Notifications is currently quite limited, but during 2024 we expect the services below to be utilized by Notifications. »


Kafka topic overview Below is an overview of the Kafka topics used in our system, along with information about the producers and the content of each topic Health Vis/skjul innhold Description: A topic dedicated to verifying the connectivity between microservices and the Kafka cluster. Event trigger: External party has requested that the health of the microservice is checked. Producer: Altinn Notifications, KafkaHealthCheck Content: Format: string Description: A string not intended to carry any significant data. »