Last modified: Feb 26, 2024



StyleCop.Analyzers provides warnings that indicate style and consistency rule violations in C# code. The warnings are organized into rule areas such as documentation, layout, naming, ordering, readability, spacing, and so forth. Each warning signifies a violation of a style or consistency rule. In Altinn Studio, we have turned set this “warning” action to “Error” to enforce the use of rules. Nuget Package Instructions to install the stylecop analyzer in your project can be found here. »


Terraform logo We’re using Terraform to provision all Kubernetes clusters and other infrastructure. Links »

Tools and frameworks

The technology used in Altinn 3 .NET CoreServer side development framework. Alpine LinuxAlpine Linux is a security-oriented, lightweight Linux distribution based on musl libc and busybox. BPMNBusiness Process Model and Notation. C#Server side programming language. DockerDocker is the container technology used in Altinn Studio, Altinn Apps and Altinn Platform. GitGit is a distributed version-control system for tracking changes in source code during software development. GiteaGitea is a self-hosted Git service similar to GitHub. »


Traefik logo Traefik is used for load balancing in Altinn Apps and Altinn Platform. It routes traffic based on tags on the app containers. Links »


TypeScript logo Med javascript er følgende en lovlig handling: var foo = false; foo = "bar"; Dette ville gitt en TypeError i TypeScript, og koden ville ikke blitt kompilert til JavaScript. Typescript kompileres til JavaScript, så klienten kjører aldri TypeScript koden. Typescript er til for at utvikleren ikke skal lage bugs ved å endre typer på variabler. Links »

Visual Studio Code

VS Code logo Visual Studio Code is a lightweight and extendable code editor which runs on your desktop and is available for Windows, macOS and Linux. We use it when developing Altinn 3, and it can be used for editing files from Altinn Studio Repos locally using the built-in Git support. Altinn ❤️ vscode. Languages and tech VS Code comes with support for hundreds of languages and technologies, including all the ones that are relevant in Altinn 3: »