Last modified: Jul 2, 2024


Module 1

In this module, you will create the application itself, add a data model, and set up a simple form based on the requirements from Sogndal Municipality. You’ll have to perform the first two tasks, creating the application and adding the data model, in Altinn Studio’s graphical user interface, Altinn Studio Designer (Designer). If you are developing the app locally, you can follow the instructions for preparing for local development and testing after completing these tasks. »

Module 1

In this module, you will create the application itself, add a data model, and set up a simple form based on the requirements from Sogndal Municipality. You’ll have to perform the first two tasks, creating the application and adding the data model, in Altinn Studio’s graphical user interface, Altinn Studio Designer (Designer). If you are developing the app locally, you can follow the instructions for preparing for local development and testing after completing these tasks. »

Modul 3

I denne modulen skal du videreutvikle tjenesten du laget i Modul 1 med blant annet en ny side og dynamisk skjuling av felter. Denne modulen vil i all hovedsak foregå i Altinn Studio designer, men noen oppdateringer vil også trenge at vi oppdaterer filene til tjenesten direkte i det sentrale filområdet til tjenesten. Temaer som dekkes i denne modulen: Flere sider Bildekomponent Dynamisk skjuling av felter/komponenter Flervalgskomponenter Oppgaver Vis/skjul innhold Legge til infoside For skjemaer der det samles inn eller gis mye informasjon kan det forbedre brukeropplevelsen dersom man deler tjenesten opp i flere sider. »