Last modified: Apr 18, 2024


Cheat Sheet

GIT git clone repourl git Docker docker ps to list all running docker containers. AKS kubectl get pods list all pods in current cluster kubectl -n default logs -f deployment/altinn-storage --all-containers=True - get logs for all components of the same deployment kubectl describe pod [pod name] describes current state and lists environment variables for a given pod kubectl delete pod [pod name] deletes a pod and a new pod of the same deployment will start »


TODO Git git add . git commit -m “” Revert local commit git reset --soft HEAD~1 Azure CLI az login --use-device-code Kubectl »

Altinn Studio - Deployment Architecture

NOTE: Outdated stuff alert! Needs to be updated. Runtime is no longer deployed as part of Studio. The diagram below show the different applications that is part this. Altinn Studio Repository Gitea is used as Repository in Altinn Studio App Development solution. There is one instance of Gitea running in a docker container in the solution. It uses cloud service database and cloud file share for configuration and remote repos. »


Summary This is a c# project file that is generated when a new app is created. This project file is placed in the root of the app folder. This project file helps in compiling the app. »


Overview applicationmetadata.json describes meta information of an application. This is automatically generated on creation of a new application. This is located at /App/config/applicationmetadata.json in the app repo. Format ‘applicationmetadata.json’ has the application information such as application id, version information, organisation that owns the application, workflow information, form and attachment information. Application Metadata Format Below is an example of application metadata json format { "id": "Brreg-testappmetaattachment", "versionId": "1.0", "applicationOwnerId": "Brreg", "createdDateTime": "2019-05-23T20:26:29. »

Build & Test Capabilities

Below is a list of the capabilities with a short description and possible link to the different components providing that capability. Software Generation Capabilities Code & Config Writing Capability Most of our code is written manually. See development application components to get an overview of our tools and applications. Software Defined Infrastructure Definition Enablement We use Terraform to define infrastructure. Build & Integration Enablement Capabilities Software Compilation & Validation The project uses . »


Overordnet ‘FormLayout.json’ describes the structure of a schema. Format ‘FormLayout.json’ is divided into three objects: Components: describes the components in the schema and configurations connected to the specific component. E.g the binding to a data model. Containers: describes the layout containers used in the schema and the configurations connected to them. E.g if the container is a repeating group Order: this object specify the order of the containers and components in the schema. »


Vi har delt guidene i to hovedområder basert på bruksområder. For tjenesteeiere Her finner guider om hvordan man som tjenesteier kan integrere seg med Altinn. Dette gjelder flere scenario. Gå til guider for tjenesteiere For sluttbrukersystemer Her finner du detaljerte guider hvordan man kan integrere seg mot Altinn som sluttbrukersystem Gå til guider for sluttbrukersystem »


Arbeidet med POC har føreløpig ikke konkludert angående bruk av denne filen. Vil jobbes videre med i MVP. Overordnet ‘InstansiationHandler.cs’ er en C# klasse hvor tjenesteutvikler kan plassere forretningslogikk som hånderer instansiering av en tjeneste. Format Standard C# kode som kan gjøre bortimot alt. Uavklart: Hvordan Tjenester 3.0 skal validere/verifisere denne logikken. Utvikling Under opprettelse av en tjeneste vil en tom InstansiationHandler opprettes. Hypotese: Tjenesteutvikler editerer på denne filen via Altinn Studio eller Visual Studio Code »