Last modified: Apr 18, 2024


Case description

Sogndal is in need of more young residents and wishes to become a desirable municipality for young adults and others who wish to settle down. That is why they wish to create a service in Altinn aimed at people who are moving to Sogndal over the next six months. By collecting data about newcomers at an early point, the municipality may facilitate and customize the services to the newcomers before the first moving box has even been packed. »

Case description

Sogndal is in need of more young residents and wishes to become a desirable municipality for young adults and others who wish to settle down. That is why they wish to create a service in Altinn aimed at people who are moving to Sogndal over the next six months. By collecting data about newcomers at an early point, the municipality may facilitate and customize the services to the newcomers before the first moving box has even been packed. »

Modul 1

I denne modulen skal du opprette selve tjenesten, sette opp noen enkle innstillinger, lage en datamodell og sette opp et enkelt skjema basert på kravene fra Sogndal kommune. Temaer som dekkes i denne modulen: Opprette ny tjeneste Lage datamodell Legge til skjemakomponenter og koble dem til datamodell Redigering av tekster i skjema Oppgaver Vis/skjul innhold Opprette ny tjeneste Krav fra kommunen Tjenesten må ha en beskrivende ID som gjør det enkelt å finne den igjen blant det store antallet tjenesteer Sogndal kommune har i Altinn Studio. »

Intro Course

The intro course is divided into 7 modules and covers a fictional case for Sogndal Municipality. Each module has a description of the task and links to relevant documentation. You can choose to perform the tasks in Altinn Studio Designer (drag-and-drop graphical user interface) or in a local development environment (requires some technical skills). You can also combine these approaches. Throughout these seven modules, you will have covered the most essential functionality for an Altinn app, as well as testing the application locally and in a test environment. »

Modul 2

I denne modulen skal du sette opp forhåndsutfylling av personopplysninger. Du skal så bygge og publisere applikasjonen til testmiljø for å teste at den fungerer som forventet. Temaer som dekkes av denne modulen: Sette opp preutfylling av felter Bygge applikasjon Publisering av applikasjon til testmiljø Vis/skjul innhold Forhåndsutfylling av personopplysninger Altinn gir fordelen av å ha lett tilgjengelig metadata for enkeltpersoner og bedrifter. Ved hjelp av forhåndsutfylling kan vi hente brukerdata og fylle ut felt sømløst. »

Module 1

In this module, you will create the application itself, add a data model, and set up a simple form based on the requirements from Sogndal Municipality. You’ll have to perform the first two tasks, creating the application and adding the data model, in Altinn Studio’s graphical user interface, Altinn Studio Designer (Designer). If you are developing the app locally, you can follow the instructions for preparing for local development and testing after completing these tasks. »

Module 2

In this module, you will further develop the application you created in Module 1, including, among other things, a new page, hiding/showing pages based on dynamic expressions, and prefilling. You can do parts of Module 2 in Altinn Studio Designer (Designer), but some tasks need to be performed using local development. Themes covered in this module: More pages Image component Dynamic tracks Prefilling Tasks Vis/skjul innhold Add Info Page For forms with a significant amount of information collected or provided, dividing the application into multiple pages may enhance the user experience. »

Module 3

This module requires that you are part of an organization with an enabled test environment for Altinn Apps. If this is not the case, move on to the next module. If you have a personal application registered that you would like to move to an organization, you can ask for access to an organization by asking an administrator or the service desk. When you have access to an organization with enabled test environments, the application can be moved by following these steps: »

Module 4

In this module, you’re expanding the application you made in the previous modules to support more of the requirements of the municipality of Sogndal. Topics covered in this module: Code lists/Options Dynamic expressions Tasks Vis/skjul innhold Collecting employment information In many applications there is a need to provide the user with a set of response options for a data field. These options are referred to as code lists or options. »

Module 5

In this module you are adding a process step in the application. Topics covered in this module: Process Confirmation step Authorization rules Validation Replace standard texts Tasks Vis/skjul innhold Expand process with a confirmation step An Altinn App has a process flow that describes the different steps in the flow. The standard flow for a newly created application consists of one task; the fill out step. Your task is to expand the standard process flow with a confirmation step as illustrated below. »