Last modified: May 28, 2024

Analysis & Design Capabilities

Analysis & Design Capabilities are the capabilities needed to analyze needs and design solutions and applications for the Altinn 3 platform.

Analysis Enablement Capabilities

Requirement Capture

Requirements are gathered through:

  • issues on Github
  • talks with stakeholders using the platform (service owners and others)

For some pilots, we choose to create larger epics on Github to group requirements.

Some example issues are

See development application components to get an overview of our tools and applications.

User story Definition

The DevOps teams or stakeholders define user stories in our GitHub repositories

See our repositories.

Requirement Validation

Product owners and architects, and the teams are responsible for validating requirements.

This can be done through clarification on GitHub issues or meetings with stakeholders.

Requirement Traceability

GitHub keeps a complete history of the different issues.

Prototypes, Mock-Ups & Storyboarding

The DevOps teams can create prototypes when needed.

See development application components for tools used.

Design Enablement Capabilities

UI Design Enablement

We use Figma to design the UI elements.

We have made a Figma Library available for anyone that wants to design apps.

And we have a Storybook Design system where all components are implemented.

See Altinn Design System V2

Data Modeling & Design Capability

The DevOps team has the capability for data modeling and design.

See development application components to get an overview of our tools and applications.

Architecture Design Enablement

Architecture design is presented on this site using Markdown and SVG.

Application Design Enablement

Application design is presented on this site using Markdown and SVG.