Last modified: Sep 8, 2021

System and platform monitoring

As part of the architecture Altinn 3 has capability to monitoring different aspects of the platform

Altinn 3 uses serveral features of Azure Monitor.


Application Insights is used to monitor different aspects of the platform.

Operations overview
Operations overview

The above screenshot shows statistics for different requests.

Application Map
Application Map

This screenshots shows how Application Insights presents how traffic flows between the different applications in the solutions.

Request overview
Request overview

This screenshots show how a request flows through the different applications

End to end transaction
End to end transaction

This screenshots show how a request flows through the different applications

CPU and Memory
CPU and Memory

This screenshots show how a request flows through the different applications


Azure Alerts is used to define rules to notify the DevOps team about issues in the platform.

Alerts are posted to a specific Alerts channel on Slack.