Last modified: Mar 13, 2023

Processing & Execution Capabilities

Processing & Execution Capabilities includes everything from processing a defined business processes to load balancing and failover.

Processing Capabilities

BPMN Process Execution

As part of the Application design and build in Altinn Studio the application developer will define a BPMN Process for the given App.

The application framework used in the app template support reading and processing the process file.

Read the details about BPMN processing capabilities.

Execution Control & Failure Mgmt Capabilities

Auditing, Logging & Tracing

Altinn Studio, The applications created in Altinn Studio and Altinn Platform perform auditing, logging and tracing of events that happens.

Exception Management

Altinn Studio, applications created in Altinn Studio and deployed to Altinn Apps and Altinn Platform has exception management.

Execution Profiling

With help of tools the platform support execution profiling.

Process Timing Capabilities

Synchronous Processing

MOST API’s in the platform is synchronous.

Scheduled Processing (incl. Batch)

The solutions has the capabilitiy for scheduled processing.

TODO: Describe user scenario.

Queued & Asynchronous Processing

The solutions do support asynchronous processing.

Execution Partitioning Capabilities


The solutions has clustering capabilities.


The technical architecture has load balancing capabiltiies

Fail over

The technical architecture has fail over capabilties.