Process Interaction
App backend exposes different APIS that is relevant during a app process.
This page show examples
Process Interaction App Frontend - App Backend
The above example show the following
User clicks link to a App from service catalog
The browser redirect to the start service page in the app. The react application renders the correct view
User click on instantiate button.
App Frontend calls instantiate API
Instantiate create a new instance with data for the datamodell with prefill and returns instance information that user should be redirect to.
User/browser open the instance
App frontend calls app backed to get the instance state
App Frontend render the correct component for the given state.
User input data . App Frontend call Data API to update data. If calculation or data retrieval causes additional data updates on server side, the response indicates to app frontend to get the latest data
App frontend gets the updated data 9 and 10 is repeated as long user has data to input
User press complete/send inn button
App frontend Saves data
App frontend calls validation API and any possible errors are presented to the user. If
If no errors are returned App Frontend call Process API to complete Task. Process Api trigger task validation to make sure it is allowed to move process forward. If validation fails, process API returns