The Storage component gives storage capabilities to the apps.
Storage support storage of structured and unstructured data for apps. Apps that need the cabability to store data uses the storage service in the Altinn platform to store both metadata and actual data.
Stored in Azure Cosmos Db.
Formdata and attachments
Stored in Azure Blob Storage. One storage account for each application owner.
Additional details
"id": "test/sailor",
"versionId": "v32.23-xyp",
"org": "test",
"app": "sailor",
"created": "2019-03-06T13:46:48.6882148+01:00",
"createdBy": "XXX",
"title": { "nb": "Testapplikasjon", "en": "Test Application" },
"processId": "standard",
"validFrom": "2019-04-01T12:14:22+01:00",
"validTo": null,
"maxSize": null,
"dataTypes": [
"id": "boatdata",
"description": {"nb": "Båtdata", "en": "Boat data"},
"allowedContentTypes": ["application/json"],
"taskId": "Task_1",
"appLogic": {
"autoCreate": true,
"classRef": "Skjema",
"schemaRef": "schemas/boatname"
"maxSize": 200000,
"maxCount": 1
"id": "crewlist",
"allowedContentTypes": ["application/xml"],
"taskId": "Task_2",
"appLogic": {
"autoCreate": false,
"classRef": "CrewList",
"schemaRef": "schemas/crewlist"
"maxSize": null,
"minCount": 1,
"maxCount": 3
"id": "certificate",
"allowedContentType": ["application/pdf"],
"appLogic": null,
"maxSize": null,
"maxCount": 1
Application type
Property | Type | Description |
id | string | application id |
versionId | string | release or commit id |
processId | string | application process id |
title | LanguageString[] | application title in different languages |
validFrom | dateTime | when the application is valid from |
validTo | dateTime? | when the application is valid to |
dataTypes | DataType[] | Metadata about data requirements in the application. See DataType. |
maxSize | integer | the maximum number of bytes that the data elements can have |
The DataType model represents data requirements for an application for different process tasks.
Property | Type | Description |
id | string | Required. Id of the data type. |
description | LanguageString[] | A short description of the data type. Language support. |
allowedContentTypes | string[] | A list of allowed content types. |
allowedContributers | string[] | A list of allowed contributers. On the format ‘{keyword}:{value}’ Approved keywords are: org and orgno. |
taskId | string | Required. Associated task from the process definition. Defines that the data is required to progress to next task in a process. |
appLogic | ApplicationLogic | Data object that connect data to application models. This should be null for data types describing attachments. See ApplicationLogic. |
maxSize | int | Maximum allowed size of a data item of this type. Undefined means that the limit is unbounded. |
maxCount | int | Maximum allowed data item count of this type. Zero or below indicate unbounded. |
minCount | int | Minimum number of data items of this type. Zero or below indicate that the data type is optional. |
"id": "receipt",
"allowedContentTypes": ["image/jpeg", "image/png"],
"taskId": "Task_1",
"appLogic": null,
"maxSize": 20,
"minCount": 1,
"maxCount": 3
In order to complete process task Task_1 the user must upload at least one image. It can be either a jpg or png below 20 MB. The user is allowed to upload additional 2 images. The application does not have any business logic associated with the data type.
The ApplicationLogic model describes the connection between a data type and a corresponding data model in the application. This is required for all data types associated with an XSD or JSON Schema. In most cases it also implies that there is a UI with a form the user can fill in.
Property | Type | Description |
autoCreate | bool | Indicate that the application should automatically create a data item of this type with every new application instance. |
classRef | string | Reference to the class definition representing the data model. |
schemaRef | string | Reference to the XSD or JSON schema. |
Get a list of all Applications
GET /applications
Get metadata about a specific application
GET /applications/{appId}
Get application events.
GET /applications/{appId}/events
User actions on an instance trigger instance events such as created, saved, _submitted, deleted, and undeleted. The events are associated with an instance, a user and an instance owner and generated by the application and stored in CosmosDB.
Format of the JSON object stored in the database.
"instanceId": "60238/5c6b1a71-2e1f-447a-ae2f-d1807dcffbfb",
"eventType": "deleted",
"created": "2019-05-02T13:08:21.981476Z",
"instanceOwnerPartyId": "60238",
"user": {
"userId": 3,
"authenticationLevel": 1,
"enduserSystemId": 2
Instance Event type
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | Guid? | Id set by CosmosDB when the instance event is stored |
instanceId | string | {instanceOwnerPartyId}/{instanceGuid} |
dataId | string | Id of data element if event is related to a data element. |
created | DateTime? | DateTime set by CosmosDB when the event is stored |
eventType | string | the event type. Available instance event types are listed here |
instanceOwnerPartyId | string | the instance owner id |
user.userId | int? | the user who triggered the event |
user.authenticationLevel | int | the authentication level for the user or system that triggered the event |
user.endUserSystemId | int? | the end user system that triggered the event |
process | ProcessState | the process step during which the event occured |
GET /instances/{instanceId}/events
Create an event. POST with body. Note id and createDateTime is set by the system and should not be included in the json object.
POST /instances/{instanceId}/events
Get all instance events for a specific instance.
GET /instances/{instanceId}/events
Get all instance events for a specific instance filtered by event types
GET /instances/{instanceId}/events?eventTypes={eventTypeA},{eventTypeB}
Get all instance events for a specific instance within a time frame The times are strings defined in UTC-format. E.g. “2019-05-03T12:55:23”
GET /instances/{instanceId}/events?from={fromtime}&to={totime}
Get all instance events for a specific instance within a time frame filtered by event types
GET /instances/{instanceId}/events?from={fromtime}&to={totime}&eventTypes={eventTypeA},{eventTypeB}
Delete all instance events for a specific instance. DELETE request.
DELETE /instances/{instanceId}/events
A message box instance is a compressed instance object stripped for data that is not relevant for the Altinn II message box. In addition some properties from the application metadata such as application title are included in the object.
MessageBoxInstance type
Attribute | Type | Description |
id | string | unique id (corrresponds to instance guid) |
instanceOwnerId | integer | id of instance owner |
org | string | Application owner for the app |
appName | string | name of the application |
title | string | title of the application in language defined in the request |
processCurrentTask | string | current task in the process state |
createDateTime | dateTime | creation time |
lastChangedBy | string | user id of the user who last changed the instance |
lastChangedBy | string | user id |
dueDateTime | dateTime? | deadline for submit |
bool | allowDelete | is current user allowed to delete instance |
bool | authorizedForWrite | is current user allowed to write to edit the instance |
deletedDateTime | dateTime? | date the instance was deleted |
archivedDateTime | dateTime? | date the instance was archived |
Get a single instance in message box instance format in (optional) preffered language. Default lanugage is norsk bokmål (nb). Available language specifications: en, nb, nn-NO.
GET /sbl/instances/{instanceOwnerPartyId}/{instanceId}?language={languageId}
Get list of all instances for an instance owner in a specific state, with a visible dateTime that has passed and (optional) preffered language. Available states: active, deleted, archived. Available language specifications: en, nb, nn-NO.
GET /sbl/instances/{instanceOwnerPartyId}?state={instanceState}&language={languageId}
Search instances based on query parameters All query parameters are optional.
GET /sbl/instances/search?instanceOwner.partyId={instanceOwnerPartyId}&language={languageId}&appId={applicationId}
Mark an instance for deletion in storage. Set parameter hard equal to true or false to indicate soft or hard deletion. Calling this endpoint will not the delete the instance from Storage, simply mark is as deleted.
DELETE /sbl/instances/{instanceOwnerPartyId}/{instanceId}?hard={true/false}
Restore a soft deleted instance.
PUT /sbl/instances/{instanceOwnerPartyId}/{instanceId}/undelete
The process history is a list comprised of process history events for a given instance.
ProcessHistoryItem type
Attribute | Type | Description |
EventType | string | the event type. Available process event types are listed here with the prefix process_ |
ElementId | string | element id for the process flow step |
Occured | DateTime? | event occurence time |
Started | DateTime? | task start time |
Ended | DateTime? | task end time |
Get process history for a given instance
GET /instances/{instanceOwnerPartyId}/{instanceId}/process/history
Represents text resources for an application.
Text type
Property | Type | Description |
id | string | text id {org-app-language}. Only used internally for storage purposes. Auto generated. |
language | string | the language. Two letter ISO name. |
org | string | the org. Only used internally for storage purposes. Auto generated. |
resources | TextResource[] | list of text resources |
The id
and org
fields are generated by the system, and should not be included when using POST the text resource object.
Example of an text element that should be sent during a POST:
"language": "nb",
"resources:": [
{"id": "some_id", "value": "some value"},
{"id": "some_other_id", "value": "some other value"},
{"id": "yet_another_id", "value": "Text containing two variables: {0} and {1}.",
"key": "dataSouce.TextKey_1",
"dataSource": "dataModel.dataModelName"
"key": "dataSouce.TextKey_2",
"dataSource": "dataModel.dataModelName"
TextResource type
Property | Type | Description |
id | string | text resource id (for instance schema.postplace) |
value | string | the value |
variables | list<TextResourceVariable> | list of text resource variables. |
TextResourceVariable type
Property | Type | Description |
key | string | the key for the text resource variable |
dataSource | string | the datasource for the text resource variable. Allowed prefix: “dataModel” |
Create a new text resource for an application.
POST /applications/{appId}/texts
Get a specific text resource for an application.
GET /applications/{appId}/texts/{language}
Update a specific text resource for an application.
PUT /applications/{appId}/texts/{language}
Delete a specific text resource for an application.
DELETE /applications/{appId}/texts/{language}