Altinn ReStorage
Altinn ReStorage is a comand line application that can be used by operators to recover and restore data from Altinn Platform Storage.
Altinn ReStorage can be found on GitHub.
The consepts of the application are releated to the different parts of a command line command.
Example: data info -ig e415477d-7964-4ffe-97b1-4b2cbf7ba8fe -lv
Command: data
SubCommand: info
- -ig e415477d-7964-4ffe-97b1-4b2cbf7ba8fe
- -lv
The name of the command gives an indication of which type of resource the user wishes to interact with.
The sub command defines the operation to be performed on the command resource
An option is a named parameter that is passed to the command.
Commands and examples of their usage are available on GitHub.
Software implementation
The command line interface is implemented using the popular CommandLineUtils library written by natemcmaster. In this section the file structure of the project is describes and code samples on how to add new commands.
Folder structure structure
This section gives an overview of the most important folders and files in the project. Hopefully, making it clear how to include new files into the project and where to place them.
Attributes A folder containing attribute validation classes used to verify command line options.
Commands A folder containing IBaseCmd.cs and a folder for each command e.g. data.
IBaseCmd.cs An interface that all commands and subcommand classes must inherrit.
Data A folder containing the subfolder Subcommands and Data.cs
Services A folder containing service interfaces and their implementation.
How to …
This section contains instructions the most common development tasks when expanding the tool.
… add a new root command
Create a new folder using the name of the command and include a new class with the same name.
Create a new folder for command Make the class an extention of the IBaseCmd interface.
public class NewCommand : IBaseCmd { }
The command attribute must be set on the class It is possible to add more parameters, explore which ones might be usefor for your command. The ones listed below are suggested as a minimum for all commands. The name parameter is what will be used to navigate to this command when running the app. Note that the name should be all lower case.
using McMaster.Extensions.CommandLineUtils; [Command( Name = "newcommand", OptionsComparison = StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase, UnrecognizedArgumentHandling = UnrecognizedArgumentHandling.CollectAndContinue)] public class NewCommand :IBaseCmd { }
Note that the McMaster nugetpackage is references in the class.
Inlcude the override of the OnExecuteAsync from the base class. The implementation below will show the help for the command and then complete the task. If the command does not have any sub commands simply remove
and include your own implementation./// <inheritdoc/> protected override Task OnExecuteAsync(CommandLineApplication app) { app.ShowHelp(); return Task.CompletedTask; }
Place all logic and operations you wish to be executed when the command is called. If you require any input parameters check the how to section for this below.
The new command should now be included in Program.cs. This is so that the command is recognized and executed when inputed in the running program.
Add a new parameter:
private static readonly CommandLineApplication<NewCommand> _newCommandCmd = new CommandLineApplication<NewCommand>();
In the Task function the standard conventions are set for the new command and all DI services are made available.
_newCommandCmd.Conventions .UseDefaultConventions() .UseConstructorInjection(serviceProvider);
Finally the command must be added to the switch case that identifies the input and routes it to the correct CommandLineApplication. Extend the switch case a shown below.
case "newcommand": await _newCommandCmd.ExecuteAsync(args); break;
The standard error message in the default clause of the loop should also be modified to include the new command.
default: Console.WriteLine($"Unknown argument {string.Join(" ", args)}, Valid commands are data, instance and settings."); break;
… add a new sub command
Add a new class in the correct Subcommands-folder. It there is not subcommands folder for the command, please create this first. The class should share a name with the sub command.
The command attribute must be set on the class Name should be in lower case and match the class name. Note that the McMaster nugetpackage must be references to use the Command attribute.
[Command( Name = "newsubcommand", OptionsComparison = StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase, UnrecognizedArgumentHandling = UnrecognizedArgumentHandling.CollectAndContinue)] public class NewSubCommand :IBaseCmd { }
The root command must include a reference for the new subcommand, so navigate back to newCommand.cs Add the following attribute to the class
. If the class has multiple sub commands simply comma seperate them as such:[Subcommand(typeof(NewSubCommandA),typeof(NewSubCommandB), typeof(NewSubCommandC))]
Make the class an extention of IBaseCmd and include an override of the OnExecuteAsync method.
public class NewCommand : IBaseCmd { protected override Task OnExecuteAsync(CommandLineApplication app) { return Task.CompletedTask; } }
OnExecuteAsync will be triggered whenver the subcommand is called, so this is where all logic should be implemented. If you require input parameters check the how to below. If you require services through dependency injection a constructor should be included in the blass.
… add a new option to a command
An option is simply implemented as a public property in the command class with an option attribute included. There are several input parameters for the options attribute. The ones belowe are what we suggest, but feel free to add more parameters if you require.
ShortName = "dg",
LongName = "dataGuid",
ShowInHelpText = true,
Description = "DataGuid for the data element.")]
public string DataGuid { get; set; }
Not that the command class is not instantiated with each new command, so if you have some optional parameters, ensure that these are reset for their default value after the command is executed.
… validate an option
Instead of validating the format of an option that is shared by several commands in each command where it is used it is easier to create a validation class and simply include this attribute on the option. This way validation is triggered before the command is even executed, notifying the user about their incorrect input.
All validation attribute classes must extend ValidationAttribute and override the validation method. See GuidAttribute for an example.
If an option is required add the [Required]
as an attribute on the property.
… add a new service
- Define an interface for the service.
- Implement a class that extends the interface.
- Add the service in the function GetAndRegisterServices in Program.cs Depending on the required lifetime of the service you will have to use one of the implementations below.
services.AddScoped<IService, Service>();
services.AddSingleton<IService, Service>();
services.AddTransien<IService, Service>();
Documentation on service lifetim is available here.